Print summaries and figures for catches from PacFIN

  pcatch = get_local(file = "pacfin_catch.Rdat"),
  nyears = 5,
  savedir = hakedata_wd()



An R object of PacFIN catches. The default value is loaded from the disk using get_local(). Otherwise, the R object is typically stored in the hakedata environment.


An integer specifying the number of years you want to plot, where the most recent year will be sequenced back in time nyears. The default is typically five years.


A full path to a directory where you want files saved. The default is to save them in a folder found using hakedata_wd(), which returns a path specific to the personal preferences of JTC members.


The following files are saved to the disk:

  • us-shore-catch-by-month.csv

  • us-research-catch-by-month.csv

  • us-ti-catch-by-month.csv