Summarize and plot NORPAC catches for the at-sea hake fishery. Fleet types are assigned to create summaries by fleet and year.
ncatch = get_local(file = "norpac_catch.Rdat"),
nyears = 5,
savedir = hakedata_wd()
A data frame with catch information extracted from the NORPAC
database. The default is to read the .Rdat
file from the disk using
. Else, users can just pass the R object itself, which would
typically be hakedata[["ncatch"]]
The number of years for plotting.
Figures and csv files are saved to the disk regarding catch rates and depth (fishing and bottom depths).
In the Catches
directory, the following csv files are saved:
The column CDQ_CODE
contains strings starting with an upper-case followed
by and the last two digits of the the CDQ code of the vessel. The code was
created in 1995 and is used to track tribal catches in the hake fishery. The
following codes exist:
C51 – Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
C52 – Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation
C53 – Central Bering Sea Fishermen's Association
C54 – Coastal Villages Fishing Cooperative
C55 – Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
C56 – Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association
R10 – Research Permit - Alaska Fisheries Science Center Catch Estimation
M01 – Makah Tribe Whiting Association
R11 – Research Permit - WA Sea Grant bird/longline interaction
R12 – Research Permit - WA Sea Grant bird/longline interaction
Raw data consists of sampled and unsampled hauls with the total weight
including bycatch weight. For sampled hauls, EXTRAPOLATED_WEIGHT
is the
weight of the catch only. For unsampled hauls that have no knowledge of the
amount of bycatch included in the haul, OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH
must be used
along with a estimated bycatch rate to calculate EXTRAPOLATED_WEIGHT
Monthly fleet-specific bycatch rates are estimated from the sampled hauls and
multiplied by the OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH
to get an estimate of the amount of
bycatch that should be subtracted from OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH
to get just the
weight of Pacific Hake.
The raw column names are as follows colnames(ncatch)
is measured in metric tons (mt) and includes both
retained and discarded species. Thus, this measurement sums the targeted
species, prohibited species, and non-allocated species.
is measured in kilograms (kg) and includes just the
weight of the relevant SPECIES
included in that row of data, e.g., if
SPECIES == 206
is the kg of Pacific Hake in
that haul.
sampled hauls have an entry in the SPECIES
column, i.e., hake are
denoted with 206
an unsampled haul is represented by one unique record because there no additional lines of catch for the bycatch species given it was not sampled