todo: write a description for make_wtatage_plots
A vector of digits that specifies which plots to create.
A data frame of weight at age data generated from
weight_at_age_wide(..., getmean = TRUE)
A data frame of weight at age counts generated from
weight_at_age_wide(..., getmean = TRUE, value = "count")
A data frame of weight at length generated from
weight_at_age_wide(..., getmean = TRUE, value = "length")
The default for this argument is NULL
, and the function can be ran
without supplying length data.
The directory that you want to save the plots in. The default is to save the plots in your current working directory.
A character value giving the current year that will be used in the file names for each plot.
The maximum age of fish modelled in the stock assessment, i.e., what is the age at which all fish are grouped into a plus group.